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Major industrial accidents

Industrial activities involving hazardous substances, whether in storage, process or transport, have the potential to cause serious major accidents.  Such incidents may lead to fatalities, injuries and environmental pollution which could extend considerable distance from the scene of the accident.

The chemical, nuclear and transport industries are closely regulated where hazardous materials are involved.  Organisations such as the Health and Safety Executive, Office of Nuclear Regulation and Environment Agency can take enforcement action to ensure risks are properly managed.

Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 – COMAH

Under the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015, Derbyshire County Council/Derby City Council produce external emergency plans to make sure that arrangements are in place to deal with the off-site effects of an incident.  There are 11 upper tier sites within Derbyshire and Derby.  Everyone who lives or works in the public information zone around a COMAH site has been issued with information on what to do in the event of an emergency.

Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019 – REPPIR

Under the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2019, Derby City Council has produced an off-site emergency plan to make sure that arrangements are in place to deal with the effects of a radiation incident at Rolls-Royce Submarines Limited.  This plan has been produced taking into account the Consequences Report produced by Rolls-Royce Submarines Limited.

Everyone who works in the detailed emergency planning zone around the site has been issued with a letter and information booklet on what to do in the event of a radiation emergency..

In the extremely unlikely event of a radiation emergency having a wider-scale impact than is considered reasonably foreseeable, a further area has been identified. This area covers a minimum of one kilometre from the centre of the site and is known as the outline planning zone.  There are no pre-planned arrangements for people who live or work within the outline planning zone, but if required, the emergency services will notify you of any actions to take.

Last updated: 3 Jul 2024, 4:40 p.m.